Job Support

New Origins understands that finding a job after rehab can be daunting. That’s why we offer various job support services to help you get back on your feet and into the workforce.

Job Support at New Origins

Finding meaningful employment is crucial to the recovery process, offering stability, purpose, and a sense of accomplishment. At our drug rehab center, we recognize the importance of job skills development in supporting your successful reintegration into the workforce. Our program focuses on equipping you with the skills, knowledge, and resources to pursue fulfilling career opportunities. This section will explore the significance of job skills development, the areas covered in our program, and how it can contribute to your long-term recovery and personal growth.

Our Job Support Program

Our support systems can help with job applications and career aptitude evaluations, appointment setting and transportation, financial and funding coordination, and ongoing accountability checks and follow-ups.

Career counseling

We will help you assess your skills and interests, and develop a career plan that is right for you.
Resume writing
We will help you write a resume that highlights your skills and experience.
Interviewing skills
We will help you practice your interviewing skills so that you can make a good impression on potential employers.

Vocational Training Support

  • CNC Machining
  • Automotive
  • Welding
  • Construction
  • Electrician
  • HVAC
  • Security
  • Truck Driving
  • IT

We're Here For You

Job skills development is a vital component of our comprehensive recovery program. By empowering you with the necessary skills and resources, we aim to support your successful reintegration into the workforce, providing financial stability, a sense of purpose, and personal growth. Through resume writing, interview skills, job search strategies, professional etiquette, technical skills development, and job retention skills, we prepare you to pursue and thrive in meaningful employment opportunities confidently. At our drug rehab center, we are committed to supporting your professional journey as an integral part of your lasting recovery.

Looking for job support

Everyone deserves a second chance and is here to help you get yours. If you’re ready to start your journey to recovery, contact New Origins today. We can help you find a job and rebuild your life. New Origins is a Job Support specialist.