Outpatient Rehab vs. Inpatient Rehab: Making the Right Choice for You

men in outpatient rehab treatment discussing therapy

Substance abuse treatment is a life-altering and sometimes lifesaving service for individuals struggling with alcohol or substance use. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 48.7 million people had a substance use disorder in the past year. The impact of alcohol and drugs is widespread and severe, but substance use disorder is also highly treatable through inpatient and outpatient rehab programs.

When it comes time to select a treatment program, though, the number of options available to you probably feels overwhelming. Do you find a program nearby in San Bernardino County or should you relocate for treatment? How do you decide between outpatient rehab vs. inpatient rehab? Should you find a program that offers a specific type of treatment approach? What will you do about your existing responsibilities?

Understanding the differences between outpatient rehab vs. inpatient rehab is a good place to start. The more you know about your options, the easier it will be to decide which is right for you when the time comes. Continue reading to learn more about substance abuse rehab and find out which treatment approach is best suited for you.

Understanding Your Options for Rehab

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to rehab. Every individual is different. Each person brings their unique life story, experiences, and substance use history with them when they arrive at a treatment program. This means using the same formula for everyone who needs help is far from effective. Thankfully, there are many options for addiction rehab services from program types to treatment services and more. 

Treatment programs offer different levels of care to help the greatest number of people possible. These levels of care include inpatient rehab, partial hospitalization programs, intensive outpatient programs (IOP), and outpatient rehab. Understanding the differences between the levels of care, especially outpatient rehab vs. inpatient rehab, will help you determine which type of treatment best meets your needs.

Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient rehab is an addiction treatment program that provides full-time treatment as well as residential services. When you choose an inpatient rehab program you are in treatment for about 8 hours per day and then you either stay at the facility providing treatment or at an affiliated facility nearby at night. You live there for the entirety of your treatment program, usually for a period of 30 to 90 days.

Inpatient addiction rehab facilities provide round-the-clock medical care, medication management, and emotional support. They are a good option for people early on in their recovery journey who are going through alcohol or drug withdrawals, have severe mental health problems, or cannot stay clean and sober without consistent monitoring during the first few weeks of sobriety.

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient rehab is another form of addiction rehab that provides treatment 3 to 5 days per week for a few hours per day and does not provide residential services. These services offer more flexibility and make treatment available to people who do not have the time to commit to a full-time residential program. Most outpatient rehab programs allow patients to select treatment hours that work with their existing schedules. 

This is a fantastic option for individuals with families, jobs they cannot give up, or other responsibilities they must manage. Their inability to make time for a residential program does not mean that they are not committed to recovery. They deserve help as much as someone who can step away from their life for the duration of an inpatient rehab program. Outpatient rehab meets this need and ensures that people with ongoing responsibilities receive the care and support they need, too.

Key Differences Between Outpatient Rehab vs. Inpatient Rehab

The most obvious difference between outpatient rehab vs. inpatient rehab is the residential nature of an inpatient program compared to living at home while going through an outpatient program. However, the residential component is only part of the differences between outpatient and inpatient facilities. What are some other distinctions between these two types of addiction rehab programs?

  • Program structure and intensity. Inpatient rehab facilities have highly structured, intensive programs. Patients usually attend therapy, individual counseling, groups, and other activities for 6 to 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, for the duration of their program. On the other hand, outpatient rehab facilities offer a similar high level of care but in a much more flexible and less intensive environment. Outpatient programs are a part-time service and typically provide 2 to 3 hours of programming 3 to 5 days per week.
  • Affordability. Inpatient rehab facilities almost always come with a higher price tag due to the expensive costs associated with the residential component. Outpatient programs are usually more affordable because of their part-time nature and lack of overnight accommodations.
  • Level of support. Inpatient rehab facilities provide constant medical care, medication management, and emotional support because they offer services around the clock. Outpatient rehab offers periodic support during treatment but little to nothing outside of scheduled program hours.
  • Therapeutic modalities. Therapeutic modalities may differ between outpatient rehab vs. inpatient rehab. This is more often determined by the facility itself rather than the level of care, but inpatient rehab programs are usually able to offer a broader range of services to their clients, including some more non-traditional approaches to treatment.
  • Lifestyle impact. Inpatient rehab is a full-time commitment, meaning you must remove yourself from your daily life and relocate to the facility for the duration of your program. This significantly impacts your life, including your ability to show up for your family, go to work, and manage other responsibilities. Outpatient rehab only requires a few hours per week so you have far less of an impact on your everyday life.

Benefits of Inpatient Rehab

There are many benefits of an inpatient rehab program. Inpatient facilities provide a structured, supervised environment that eliminates distractions and triggers often present in your everyday life. It places you in an immersive treatment environment, directing all of your energy toward your treatment program to ensure your recovery remains your primary focus. You also have the benefit of access to care and support around the clock which can be beneficial during the first few days and weeks of recovery when you are most susceptible to relapse.

Benefits of Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient rehab programs offer different benefits than inpatient rehab, but the benefits are just as important. The primary benefit of an outpatient addiction rehab is the flexibility these programs provide. You can continue going to work, attend your kids’ sporting events and activities, and stay at home with your family at night all while receiving the care and support you need to overcome substance abuse. Remaining close to familial support is critical for men who are the primary providers for their families.

Outpatient also offers immediate real-world application of the skills you learn during treatment instead of holding you in a protected environment before releasing you back to your everyday life. You learn to swim while receiving ongoing support instead of the shock of returning to the real world. Outpatient rehab is also oftentimes more cost-effective than inpatient rehab programs. The affordability of opting for an outpatient program means less financial strain on your family during a time that is already stressful.

Determining the Right Option for You

Again, there is no one right path to recovery.  There are benefits to both types of treatment when comparing outpatient rehab vs. inpatient rehab. The best option for addiction rehab depends on you and your needs. There are a few things to consider before deciding which approach to addiction rehab is the right option for you:

  • Personal circumstances. Consider your responsibilities and whether you can take a one- to three-month break from them. This is particularly true for men. If you are the provider for your family, taking that long of a break from work and being home for your spouse and children may not be an option.
  • Severity of your condition. Have you tried quitting and found it difficult? You may need assistance from a medical detox or the structured support of an inpatient program during the first few weeks of recovery before transitioning to an outpatient rehab program.
  • Existing support system. How strong is your existing support system? If you are surrounded by friends and family who support your recovery journey, you might find that you can still succeed in the less structured environment of an outpatient rehab. However, if you lack reliable support in your immediate community, you may benefit from an inpatient program.

New Origins Outpatient Rehab in Redlands, CA

For men in San Bernardino County and beyond, New Origins is an excellent option for outpatient addiction rehab. We provide addiction treatment services to men in Redlands, San Bernardino, Fontana, Colton, Calimesa, Highgrove, Moreno Valley, Yucaipa, Grand Terrace, Rancho Cucamonga, Highland, Loma Linda and the surrounding area. Our outpatient programs allow you to build a solid foundation for recovery without having to separate from your family during the treatment process. 

Selecting a local outpatient treatment program is a critical choice for many men seeking recovery. Instead of opting for a program far from home, you can learn to incorporate the tools and skills you learn during treatment into your everyday life. Local outpatient programs like New Origins also place you in a group of peers from within your community. You will find yourself surrounded by men who understand what you are going through and you will forge relationships that last well beyond your time in treatment.

To learn more about New Origins, submit an online contact form today to speak with an admissions specialist. We will help you determine whether outpatient addiction rehab at New Origins is right for you and start you on the path to recovery. Don’t wait any longer – reach out now!